
Privacy Policy

All Private information including but not limited:

  • Company name
  • Company address 
  • Information about the type of business
  •  Companies size
  • Company History
  • Amount of employees 
  • Employees names 
  • Employees’ type of work 
  • Companies working hours.
  • Images or videos of you or your employees
  • Images or videos of your service or products
  • Images or videos of your company
  • Your company service or product price 
  • Payment methods
  • Company customer’s contact details 


Used only for beast website results and won’t be shared with any third parties.

In any case, when you provide information about someone else, you confirm that the person has appointed you to act on their behalf and agreed that you will be shared their information. 

OK’s Digital do not hold or store your personal information longer than is needed.